Monday 6 July 2015

Student video analysis

I like they way at the start of the video how they used, black frames to separate the different shots. I think that this adds to the quality of the video and also it builds up the tension as it is half performance and half story. I think that this is also a good idea which i could use in my music video because it is like the singer is telling a story and remembering the good or the bad times. 

I really like this video for many reasons: the lighting is excellent, and also the quality of the video is crispy as well which adds to the music mise en scene of the video. Also I like how they use different camera angles throughout the video. For example they use time lapses at the start of the video, I think that this draws the audience into the video as it signifies time going by. I really like the way they have filmed certain parts of the video, 0:30 they edited the video so that it was black and white and the way that the camera shakes a little as one of the characters are trying to get away really makes the scene surreal. At 0:38 I like how there is one of the singers standing in darkness with light only going on his face which I really like. At 0:44 they also film using just their hands which I like the effect of because it looks like i is a first person view in chasing someone. The facial expression of the actors are on point which really makes the video work. Also at 1:05 they use manual focus to change the focus of the camera from a still shot of their bedroom window to the view outside the window which I really like this effect. 


I think that this is also perfectly filmed video. All of the shots are perfect and make thew video work, even though it was filmed in a garage. Even though the mise en scene for this video wasn't quite right the camera man did an outstanding job which all the different shots and also with the fish eye shot which captures all of the band members. 

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