Monday 6 July 2015

Student video analysis

I like they way at the start of the video how they used, black frames to separate the different shots. I think that this adds to the quality of the video and also it builds up the tension as it is half performance and half story. I think that this is also a good idea which i could use in my music video because it is like the singer is telling a story and remembering the good or the bad times. 

I really like this video for many reasons: the lighting is excellent, and also the quality of the video is crispy as well which adds to the music mise en scene of the video. Also I like how they use different camera angles throughout the video. For example they use time lapses at the start of the video, I think that this draws the audience into the video as it signifies time going by. I really like the way they have filmed certain parts of the video, 0:30 they edited the video so that it was black and white and the way that the camera shakes a little as one of the characters are trying to get away really makes the scene surreal. At 0:38 I like how there is one of the singers standing in darkness with light only going on his face which I really like. At 0:44 they also film using just their hands which I like the effect of because it looks like i is a first person view in chasing someone. The facial expression of the actors are on point which really makes the video work. Also at 1:05 they use manual focus to change the focus of the camera from a still shot of their bedroom window to the view outside the window which I really like this effect. 


I think that this is also perfectly filmed video. All of the shots are perfect and make thew video work, even though it was filmed in a garage. Even though the mise en scene for this video wasn't quite right the camera man did an outstanding job which all the different shots and also with the fish eye shot which captures all of the band members. 

Monday 29 June 2015

Music video analysis 1-5


The reason why I chose this video is 1, because I like the song and her style of music that she produces. At the start of the video they edited it so that it would fade between the shots which adds tension and draws the audience in.  I think that because the video is in black and white it, it adds to the video and it makes it more mysterious, as it is filmed on a beach. It is quite a natural video as she is dancing to the song with her own moves, as some of her other videos are heavily choreographed. There are quite a few close ups of her face to show an emphasis her emotion, as part of the song is about sex. Near the end of the video she is leaning on her husband which shows that they are close and share feelings. They also use they fading editing technique near the end of the video to show their intimacy.


The way they made this music video is attracts to the audience because they add a couple of graphics of a lions through the video but the mainly the whole video is a JAY-Z and KANYE WEST rapping the song at their concert. This means that included many scenes of the audiences and then rapping to them. I also like how they have included a clip from a movie in 2007 called  'Blades of Glory' where Will Ferrell says
'No one knows what it means, but it's provocative...
 No, it's not, it's gross...
 ...It gets the people going!'
I think that this was a nice touch as the music stops and it cuts to his scene in that movie as it is part of the song. I like the way they have edited the music video as well, as they create mirrored the footage in the middle so that both sides are doing the same thing. I think that this affect looks good and draws audiences in to the video because it is a different perspective.


I like this song because it is a classic song even though it is 7 years old. I also like how they have a story line to the music video because it shows that they a hustlers together. There is a scene where they are in the car together and it is a two shot as it shows that they trust each other. I like how they used a shot from above ( likely shot with a helicopter above them) as it gives a different perspective to the video which most people aren't usually familiar with therefore attracts attention, draws the audience in and also adds to the tension in the video as they are running away from cops.


The reason why I chose this video is because I like the song, also I like the concept of the video. I like the way they have portrayed the main man as he is an ape who sort of stalks his customers as he is a drug dealer. It make him crazy as it is all he thinks about. Even though he is an ape he blends in like a normal human being but he is crazy as all he wants is that girl. I like the mise en scene because they dark backgrounds, him walking in the dark and also the night club reflects his life as being dark, lonely and mysterious. 


The reason why I have chosen this video from Imagine Dragons is because I like the way they have used different camera technique and angles to create this video. They used cameras mounted to their heads so that it would record their face and also five a first person view of what they are doing. They also create a time-lapse which I like because I like the look of Time-lapses. I also like how they have lens flare from the sun, as I think that this looks so cool. 

Sunday 28 June 2015

Music video analysis 6-10


I chose this video because it tells a story and, I like the elegance and class that they portray for the different characters. I also like how it is set in a old Chinese village with Geishas. I like how they have also included lens flare from the sun, because I think that this adds to the video. They way they they have added martial arts professionals with weapons and then also put them in slow mo adds to the mise en scene of the video and gives it more meaning as it fits into the song.


I like this video because of the blue-ish tint that there is to the video when Pia Mia is singing I think that it gives the video a nice effect. The blue connotes calm?chilled vibes which the song is, as it isn't to up beat. I also like how they quickly change between the different artist in different mise en scene. There are quite a few close ups as well which adds to the video as it shows her emotion why she is singing. 


I like this video because it is quite simple, but it is unique. This is because the room is full of random retro toys which 'come alive' as he is singing on the piano. I like the  quirkiness of the video and I also like how some of the lyrics show up on an old radio, I think that this is a nice features and adds to the videos quirkiness. They use stop frame animation in some of the shots of the toys, which I think looks quite good in am music video and I  think I would like to try and implement this in my music video.


This ivdeo is different to the 'conventional' meaning that there is no storyline, action or performance in the video. It is purely the artist singing to the camera. I like how he is just standing against a backdrop which get painted and then, as he is singing they use stop frame animation to show that he is getting painted to match the colours of the background. This sort of adds meaning to the song as the song is called 'somebody that I used to know'. I think that it means because it is 'someone' and not anyone special any more you just like everyone else and therefore you just blend in. I really like the stop frame animation, and i think that I could implement this into my music video.

The reason why I chose this video is because I like how it is a raw performance video and therefore it adds to the band and the mise en scene of the song. This is because they use the stage lighting as it is a live performance. and also different angle throughout the band so that it looks more like a music video rather than a standstill camera recording from the front. I find that it id#s more entertaining to watch and especially when there are close ups. 

Friday 26 June 2015

Evaluation of preliminary music video

Once all the filming was done, we had to decide as a group which of the clips we want to keep and which we needed to discard as we did have some ‘bloopers’.After we did this, i used the storyboard we made, and made a list of the shots first. Then we using the videos clips that everyone had checked through I made notes of which were best clips (as we had one than on clip of some scenes). By doing this it made it a lot easier when it came to editing the next lesson. This is because then if we had multiple than we could use for once scene then as a group we would watch them and decide which is the best out how many there where for that one scene. For the first lesson of editing, we downloaded the YouTube video and converted it into an mp3 file, this enabled us to place it in Final Cut Pro (the editing software) as the backing track. We all contributed to the editing as we were all in the same room, but because i was the first one to sign into the computer i was controlling the cutting and positioning as the others gave suggestions as a group. This was only my second time editing, and I enjoyed it, watching after every clip was satisfying as we witnessed the music video coming together more and more. We finished after two lessons of editing which was pretty quick compared to others groups as they were still filming. I think that we accomplished this because we worked well as as a group and when we recorded we did it over and over again with minimal breaks to accomplish this.

Finally, we uploaded it to YouTube through the editing software as it had this functionality build in, I then shared across social media so that others in the group could have access to it and uploaded it to my blog.

Thursday 25 June 2015

Evaluation of preliminary music video

As some of the group members had a free last period on the day of filming, we met at the media room and then we started to move the the drum kit and the other equipment from the music room to the drama room. We chose the drama room as it could be transformed into a stage and it had all the elements that we needed like stage lights, and we could easily block out the doors and other light with the black curtains. Then at the end of fifth period we all started to piece together the drum kit and the mini stage which the drums would sit on and adjusting the mise en scene. We did this by setting up the main camera in the middle as it will be recording the whole video non-stop. so we could frame it and make sure that everything was right, with the black curtain background and there was no random objects in shot. After this we got the tricky shots out of the way first, these were where we had to record behind the drummer and also a close up directly down onto the drums. The main director was Milo as he is the best with cameras, but well all had inputs as he was open to ideas and also me and Jordan help with directing and positioning as we were assisting directors. After the first couple of shots that we recorded we replayed them to the whole group just to get a feel of what it would look like. we photocopied the storyboard so that each of the camera men including me knew which shots we need to record. So we knew which shots we had to record, Milo the director spilt the storyboard into third so that each of us has scenes to focus on.  After we did all of this the real recording began and we kept going through the whole song with the music in the background so we could keep recording the shots if we missed them. This was very effective as the ‘band members’ kept playing through the song and the three camera men recorded the shots they had been dedicating, and if we missed it then we would just go through it again, and again. It was an effective method as we got all the shots in one recording which took 1h 30 minutes.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Evaluation of preliminary music video

After being put into groups for the different preliminary music video chosen by the teachers, we started to plan out what we need to do. First we assigned roles that each individual was comfortable with. By doing this everyone was in there was confident with what they had to do. Me, Milo and Jordan were the camera men a we were planning on getting two extra cameras to get a wider range of shots to use in post production. In that lesson we watch the video selected over and over again so each of the groups could make notes on their area. This meant that I was making notes on the different camera angles they used with Milo and Jordan. As a group we came up with the idea of how we could fade out at the end of the song. We carried this idea through to the end of the video, as everyone in our group liked this idea. Two of the 'band members' Louis and Joe made notes on the what instruments we needed so that we have everything to re-create this music video. Harry and Sam made notes on what each of the band members were wearing so that when it comes to record the music video. We then decided as a group that we could record in the drama room because some of the students were familiar with the room because they take drama for A-level. Louis and Joe also went to drama and music that lesson so that they could also sort out which lesson or after school session we could borrow the equipment and record. Each of us got assigned a section of the storyboard, so that it would be quicker and we could follow it when recording.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Preliminary Task - Continuity Editing

30 second conversation video

Our group consisted of: Milo O'haoney, Sachin Mistry, Sam Bettany, Patrick Whailing.

Monday 15 June 2015

Preliminary Task - Storyboard

30 second conversation - Storyboard

This is my storyboard for the preliminary task. We created a storyboard because it is easier to film, when you have plan as you know where the actors have to go and what types of shots need to be film to create that particular scene.